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  • A Dutch physician involved in share dealing in the Dutch speculation explosion of 1720. Engraving, 1720.
  • A Dutch physician involved in share dealing in the Dutch speculation explosion of 1720. Engraving, 1720.
  • An autopsy on an investor in the Dutch speculation boom of 1720 reveals that he had died of an excess of air, representing lack of value in the shares. Etching, 1720.
  • An autopsy on an investor in the Dutch speculation boom of 1720 reveals that he had died of an excess of air, representing lack of value in the shares. Etching, 1720.
  • Le diverse et artificiose machine / del capitano Agostino Ramelli... Nellequali si contengono uarij et industriosi mouimenti, degni digrandissima speculatione, per cauarne beneficio infinito in ogni sorte d'operatione. Composte in lingua italiana et francese.
  • Le diverse et artificiose machine / del capitano Agostino Ramelli... Nellequali si contengono uarij et industriosi mouimenti, degni digrandissima speculatione, per cauarne beneficio infinito in ogni sorte d'operatione. Composte in lingua italiana et francese.
  • Le diverse et artificiose machine / del capitano Agostino Ramelli... Nellequali si contengono uarij et industriosi mouimenti, degni digrandissima speculatione, per cauarne beneficio infinito in ogni sorte d'operatione. Composte in lingua italiana et francese.
  • Le diverse et artificiose machine / del capitano Agostino Ramelli... Nellequali si contengono uarij et industriosi mouimenti, degni digrandissima speculatione, per cauarne beneficio infinito in ogni sorte d'operatione. Composte in lingua italiana et francese.
  • Caricatures of speculative investment bubbles in Europe in 1720. Engraving.
  • The South Sea Scheme: speculators ruined by the collapse of the South Sea Company. Engraving by W. Hogarth after himself, 1721.